Dr. John Bone

Dr. John Bone’s research interests are in social and biosocial theory, political economy, social well-being and social media research. In terms of theoretical work, and in line with an emerging biosocial perspective within the sociology, he has a specific interest in the way in which human neurobiological capacities and propensities shape and delimit the dialectical relationship between individual and society, with implications for understanding social interaction, organisation and well-being. From a more empirical perspective, I am interested in the way in which the contemporary trajectory of global development and neo-liberal economic policy is affecting individuals and urban communities in terms of identities, working lives, well-being, political engagement, social polarisation and social cohesion.

Prof. George Coghill

Vestibulumaccumsan egestibulum eu justo convallis augue estas aenean elit intesque sed. Facilispede estibulum nulla orna nisl velit elit ac aliquat non tincidunt. Namjusto cras urna urnaretra lor urna neque sed quis orci nulla. Laoremut vitae doloreet condimentumst phasellentes dolor ut a ipsum id consectetus. Inpede cumst vitae ris tellentesque fring intesquet.

Dr. Wei Pang

Vestibulumaccumsan egestibulum eu justo convallis augue estas aenean elit intesque sed. Facilispede estibulum nulla orna nisl velit elit ac aliquat non tincidunt. Namjusto cras urna urnaretra lor urna neque sed quis orci nulla. Laoremut vitae doloreet condimentumst phasellentes dolor ut a ipsum id consectetus. Inpede cumst vitae ris tellentesque fring intesquet.

Dr.Chukwuemeka David Emele

Dr.Chukwuemeka David Emele is a Research Fellow for both Flexible Integrated Transport Services (FITS) and Agent and Semantic Support for Rural Enterprise (ASSURE) projects in dot.rural hub. Dr. David Emele is a computer scientist, and he is currently investigating how novel technologies involving agents, semantic matchmaking, social media, argumentation and other coordination mechanisms can be exploited to reduce the wide digital divide between rural and urban areas, and to deliver value-added services to people in rural areas of Scotland.

Lorum ipsum

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